Tradespeople Help

Getting Started with Compare My Repair

As a new trade on Compare My Repair we suggest that you read our FAQ and get an idea of how everything works.

If you want to get stuck in and start buying leads it is as simple as:

  • Register your details
  • Verify your account
  • Add a credit or debit card
  • Update your profile
  • Add public liability insurance
  • Purchase leads
  • Win work
  • Get reviewed

It might seem daunting at first but we are here to help with any questions you may have. If you have trouble with verification, updating your profile you can email us and we will update your account for you.

Please get in touch if you need any assistance.

Tips on how to get more from Compare My Repair

Below we have outlined some tips for once you are fully verified and are ready to win more work:

Build feedback

When you win work, make sure you ask for feedback from the job poster. Your customers are your best advert and having 5 star reviews gives them the confidence to choose you over your competition.

Don’t be put off smaller jobs especially within the first few weeks as this is a great chance to win work quickly and get some initial feedback on your profile. Customers may not trust large projects to trades with little or no feedback.

Tidy up your profile

Once you have registered it may be tempting to purchase leads straight away. Take a few minutes to upload a profile picture and add a description to your profile. If you want to email us a blurb about your business we will happily upload it for you.

Be professional

Before calling customers, work out what information you need to either go and visit the job or provide an estimate or a quote. Call at appropriate times, where possible as soon as you purchase the lead. Try the customer several times or leave a message with them to get back to you. Most customers will require a quotation or estimate in writing before selecting you to do the work. Make sure you explain the process clearly and put it down on paper to avoid disputes or miss communication which could lead to a bad review.

Refine your settings

It is important to us that you get the jobs that are relevant to you. Adjusting which trade categories and sub categories you wish to cover will mean more relevant jobs that you have the skills to do. If you have sub contractors or other trades working with you, then you may wish to add additional categories to your profile.

Other ways in which you can improve your page is to add a company name or adjust your operating radius so that you get jobs closer to you or further away if you want more jobs per day.

Promote yourself

We speak to hundreds of trades per week and some of the ways in which they are helping gain much more value from Compare My Repair are:

  • Adding our logos to vans / websites and business cards to gain trust and show off reviews as an additional marketing tool to their customers, not just the customers they find through us.
  • Handing out business cards and offering services for neighbouring homes and businesses after completing work for MyJobQuote customers. This helps generate a customer base rather than just one off jobs.
  • Offer upsells for further work, as well as discounts for promoting to others in the area.
  • Build up a social media presence and ask customers to like and share your content.
  • Take photos of work, particularly before and after pictures. You can use these to show other customers what you have done in the past. These pictures can be invaluable for larger projects where customers wish to see the standard of finish.
  • There are many more examples and if you have any or wish to speak to us about how best to promote yourself with the help of MyJobQuote then please get in touch.

Give us a chance to work for you

We receive lots of feedback from our trades and often we get messages from tradespeople who feel deflated when they haven’t won a lead.

We don’t expect you to win every lead you purchase. Conversion rates will vary due to size of job, time of year and other factors but we would typically expect trades to win 1 in 3 jobs on average.

Our prices are designed to allow a good margin and still account for the times where you don’t win the work.

If you are consistently not winning work with Compare My Repair then please get in touch. We work with hundreds of trades who use our service every day to consistently win work.